Experience the convenience of complimentary shipping within Canada and the United States for a limited time! International shipping available for just $50 CAD. Seamless checkout ensures automatic application. All orders ship promptly within 1-2 days, complete with tracking for peace of mind.
Return / Refund
Discover our collection of unworn, rare, and exclusive items, each meticulously curated for discerning tastes. Our dedication extends from carefully packaging to swift shipping, ensuring your order arrives promptly and in pristine condition. With most pieces being one-of-a-kind, crafted with both time and investment, we regretfully maintain a zero-return policy. Thank you for your valued understanding and support.
Special Orders
Have a specific color combination in mind that you don’t spot on our website? No worries! Simply shoot us an email with the model information, including the model code and lens color, and we’ll do our best to fulfill your request.
Rest assured, every pair of eyewear on our website is guaranteed 100% authentic and accompanies a protective case along with a cleaning cloth. And as a bonus, you might find some delightful freebies nestled in your package as well.
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